
This footage is from the 2D animated short IN THE SHADOWS, created by Nico Isaque, who was the primary solo animator. For every shot where help was received, he drafted key poses and performed quality control at each stage. In addition to storyboarding and writing/directing, he was responsible for all backgrounds, camera movements, compositing, and visual effects. Here are the stages of animation he completed, per shot:

  1. Rough animation

  2. Rough, clean-up, and color

  3. Rough animation

  4. Rough animation

  5. QC, clean-up, and color

  6. Rough, clean-up, and color

  7. QC and clean-up animation

  8. Rough animation

  9. QC, clean-up, and color

  10. QC, clean-up, color, and part of the rough animation

  11. Rough animation

  12. Rough, clean-up, and color

IN THE SHADOWS will soon be free to watch on YouTube!


Investigating Free Will: Why Neuroscience and Philosophy Need Each Other

Motion graphics and most animations by Nico


Title sequence and animations by Nico

EARTH: how the little blue planet came to be

All visuals by Nico

don't give ducks bread

All visuals by Nico

Check out IN THE SHADOWS on YouTube when it releases!

Nico Isaque Barrett